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The BRI International Green Development Coalition (abbreviated as BRIGC) is jointly initiated by Ministry of Ecology and Environment of P.R.China (abbreviated as MEE) and international partners. The substantial ever growing needs on implementing UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (abbreviated as SDGs) and similarly the need to make progress towards the Paris Agreement targets for the Belt and Road Initiative (abbreviated as BRI) participating countries require governments, local and international development agencies, think tanks, private sectors, civil societies and other stakeholders to work together to maximize the effort on the green development.


The main goal of BRIGC is to promote international consensus understanding, cooperation and concerted actions to achieve green development of BRI, to integrate sustainable development into the BRI through joint efforts, and to facilitate BRI participating countries to implement strong integration of environment and development elements of the SDGs.


BRIGC is a policy dialogue and communication platform:

• to share green development concepts and policies;

• to provide communication opportunities amongst BRI stakeholders;

• to forge a joint research network to provide support and policy recommendations on green development for BRI participating countries .

BRIGC is an environmental knowledge and information platform:

• to share knowledge and data related to ecological conservation, environmental protection, pollution prevention and control;

• to provide data and analysis related to green development of BRI;

• to promote capacity building on environment management;

• to raise public awareness on environment.

BRIGC is a green technology exchange and transfer platform:

• to facilitate international cooperation on green technologies to enhance capacity building on ecological conservation, climate action and pollution prevention and control;

• to promote the exchange and transfer of advanced green and low-carbon technology to promote investment in green infrastructure and trade.


BRI stakeholders that agree with the Purpose of BRIGC, including governments, local and international development agencies, think tanks, private sectors, civil society organizations and other related stakeholders could join BRIGC as Partners.

BRIGC Partners should also meet the following requirements:

• possess a proven record in sustainable development for BRI participating countries;

• Be committed to make contribution to green BRI and implementation of SDGs;

• Be willing to provide financial, intellectual and/or in-kind contributions to support BRIGC’s operations and core activities.

BRIGC Partners subscribe to the basic principles of:

• mutual respect;

• seeking cooperation and mutual benefit;

• openness and transparency.

Copyright © 2020 BRI International Green Development Coalition. All rights reserved.

Address: No.5 Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing 100035, China

Postcode: 100035

Fax: (86)10-82200539
