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Exchange on BRI New Energy Vehicle Cooperation Held in Thailand


The BRI International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) conducted a study tour and field trip to Singapore and Thailand on low-carbon vehicles from April 20 to 24, and held the Exchange on BRI New Energy Vehicle Cooperation in Bangkok, Thailand on April 23.

Dr. Zhang Jianyu, Chief Development Officer of BRIGC, introduced the latest progress and achievements of China in promoting the development of the Green Silk Road, and shared the deliverables of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, including the Green Investment and Finance Partnership (GIFP) initiated by BRIGC. Dr. Zhang emphasized that green is a defining feature of Belt and Road cooperation. As an innovative solution provider to enable green development, GIFP will promote investment and financing cooperation on the green development of new energy vehicles (NEV), and leverage green finance to boost NEV cooperation between China and Thailand.

Ms. Zhu Yun, Director of the Department of Partners and Membership Development of BRIGC, introduced the outcomes of BRIGC in policy dialogue, research and other areas in 2023 as well as the work plan for 2024. Focusing on climate change response, biodiversity conservation and other global hotspot issues, BRIGC will push ahead with five major tasks in 2024, including organizing the BRI Green Innovation Conference. The ongoing research projects on green development standards for wind power and low-carbon vehicles in particular, will further help facilitate the green and low-carbon transition of Southeast Asian nations, she pointed out.

Mr. Leo Horn-Phathanothai, President for Sustainability and Innovation, Strategy 613 Co., Ltd, indicated that as a global leader in green technology, China needs to step up efforts to promote the implementation of green technologies and projects through Belt and Road cooperation. He stressed that as an important outcome initiated by BRIGC, GIFP is a major mechanism and driving force to boost the development of NEVs. In practice, Chinese enterprises could invest in electric tricycles, taxies and on-line car-hailing services in Thailand to improve people’s experience and gradually increase the market share of NEVs.

Mr. Vivek Mantri, Managing Director of AWR Lloyd, said that automobile has become a pillar for economic development and job creation in Thailand. The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) formulated by the Thai government stated that local NEV manufacturing will be vigorously promoted in the future. He advised the following measures to boost the development of NEVs: First, building a green power grid to ensure that NEVs use green power. Second, developing a life-cycle based sustainable industrial chain for NEVs, which takes the recycling of waste batteries into account from the beginning. Third, developing energy storage system. China could strengthen technical cooperation with Thailand in the area of battery energy storage. In addition, blended finance could serve as a leverage to attract private capital to support NEV development for Belt and Road partner countries.

Mr. Xiang Zhongyuan, head of GAC Energy Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd, noted that the development of NEVs in Thailand has been greatly suffered from insufficient charging infrastructure. It requires the joint efforts of government, business community, and related industries to formulate supporting policies, build intelligent transportation platforms and expedite the construction of charging stations. Efforts should also be made to encourage passengers to change their travel behavior by giving priority to the development of electric taxis, online ride-hailing and government vehicles.

Mr. Suroj Sangsnit, Vice President for Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT) and Executive Vice President of SAIC Motor-CP, said that NEVs in Thailand are witnessing rapid development, while the pace of its charging infrastructure is slower than that of China. The charging points in Thailand is limited in number and unevenly distributed. It is necessary to increase investment and expand construction, strengthen bilateral cooperation between China and Thailand, and integrate supply chains to jointly explore the auto market in Southeast Asia. In this process, Thailand also needs to improve its local power structure and NEV online application platforms.

Ms. Sun Xin, Chief Expert of China Automotive Technology & Research Center Co. Ltd. (CATARC), introduced the accounting methods and standards for carbon footprint of automobile products in China, analyzed carbon emission policies of EU, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, and shared the work of CATARC in carbon management and application platforms throughout the whole life cycle of automobile sector in China. She also expressed their readiness to strengthen cooperation with BRIGC to help more low-carbon auto products go global in a green manner.

The meeting also exchanged views on the opportunities, challenges and prospects of NEVs, as well as issues related to energy storage technologies, and how to strengthen China-Thailand cooperation in the field of green development. The representatives welcomed overseas investment by Chinese automakers, and recognized that China’s leading advantages in NEV technologies and industries, together with the cooperation platform of BRIGC, could be further leaned on to facilitate more exchanges between Chinese NEV companies and Belt and Road partner countries, so as to align standards and technologies, and support the green and low-carbon development of the auto industry in these countries. They also expressed their hope to conduct exchanges and training programs with BRIGC in the field of green and low-carbon development.

The meeting was joined by representatives from Strategy 613, AWR Lloyd, EVAT, SAIC Motor-CP, GAC Energy Technology (Thailand), CATARC and its Representative Office in Southeast Asia.

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